How To Make Sourdough Bread (a Beginner's Guide to the BEST bread EVER) | Meg Makes Food Episode 6

How To Make Sourdough Bread (a Beginner's Guide to the BEST bread EVER) | Meg Makes Food Episode 6

It is worth noting that I live in the mountains of Utah, so we’re high altitude and all 4 seasons around here. You may have to adjust the flour for where you live; however, if you can get the consistency right, the measurements won’t matter so much.

Introduction: 0:00-0:09
Feeding your Starter: 0:09-1:20
Making your dough: 1:20-2:22
Folding and stretching, bulk raise: 2:22-3:41
Forming your dough: 3:41-4:36
Slow-raise in the fridge: 4:36-5:36
Baking the bread: 5:36-7:39
Closing remarks: 7:39-7:51

Here are my personal recipe notes.

1:2:2 ratio (however much starter you have, double flour and water)
¼ cup of starter
½ cup of water
½ cup of flour

Mix in water until frothy, then add flour and stir well. It should be the consistency of a thick pancake batter. Let sit until the starter begins to bubble and rise – when it has doubled or tripled in size, it’s “at peak” and ready to use for bread. You can use starter that has deflated (discard) for any recipes that don’t require active yeast.

Start with:
• 100g or so (or ½ cup) active sourdough starter
• 300g (or 1 1/3c + 2tbsp) water (you’ll use more than this, but it’s a good place to start.)

Mix together thoroughly until the start dissolves into the water. Then, add:
• 10g (or 2 tsp) fine sea salt
• 500g (or 4 cups + 2tbsp) flour

Bake at 450* for 20-25 minutes, uncover, then bake an additional 20 minutes.

~Be Sweet~
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1 Comment

  1. I started baking bread a few months ago. I have not tried sour dough before. I will brave this soon.

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